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Great English Corner Notes!!!

ENGLISH CORNER Editor's Notes: This ENGLISH CORNER is designed for the English learners to practice their English and to make friends or pen pals on line. No dirty words here, please! (^_^). If you have any comments or suggestions, please e-mail us. We highly appreciate your submissions! Welcome! [em46][em46]

hey guys~~i'm just want to sell my shoes in here~~hehe~~i have some shoes .all the real nike and puma shoes~~ i just selling online so the price will cheaper then nike's shop becouse i don't have a shop !!and all shoes are real!!i promise~If you are interested in.please clik  http://www.hyxs.net/bbs/thread-33600-1-1.html~~hehe ~~thank you ~~


I'm glad to join it and become one of your members.To tell you the truth,This is my first time I enter this community,and only this part attracts me.
So,i want to say,this part is different from the others


my english is poor


well! don'tscare me !

There is no doubt that few peoople comes here...You see the last one who had given her opinion was 1 year ago!!
just come here and say what you want tosay.......TO share your happiness and sad apearience......


I'm poor in English! 
 But I like English!!



yes...believe your self all-round..!!

I must go forward to you..avril...


don't afraid lose your face

do  best  of  you  ,come on  come on  Where there is a will,there is a way`!   The key to success isn't so much money as a strong will.A great man is one who has a strong will and an indomitable spinit.In other words,if a man doesn't have a strong will to win the final victory,he will never succeed in his life.He is no more than a failure.
   It is quite obvious that there is nothing difficult in the world.If you make up your mind to do it,you will certainly accomplish your end.That stands to reason. 


我一句也看不懂  哈哈

