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☆?u_べ获得好运的七个秘密 The 7 secrets of good fortune

The kind of luck we really want is longer-lasting-having a job that's fulfilling, a mate you love, great friends, a comfortable life, peace of mind. To create such good fortune, you need to develop a "lucky personality, a combination of attitude and behavior that wil attract opportunity. 我们真正向往的是那种持续较久的幸运:让你有成就感的工作、挚爱的伴侣、至交好友、舒适的生活、心灵的安宁。创造这种好运,你需要培培养一种“幸运个性”,一种可以赢得良机的态度和行为的组合。 People who seem lucky are appealing because they are effective and happy.We hope they'll help us succeed, and maybe their luck will rub off on us. 看上去幸运的人是吸引人的,因为他们很成成效而快乐。我们愿意接近他们,因为在他们身边我们感觉安全,我们希望他们能帮助我们成功,也许他们的幸运能感染我们。 Think lucky and you're more likely to be lucky. But just how much pixie dust lands on you depends on how well you develop a luckly personality. 认为自己幸运,你就更可能幸运。但是,你有多幸运依赖于你的幸运个性发展得如何。 1、Assume fate is on your side. 假定命运之神站在你的一边 2、Get an emotional grip . 控制你的情绪 3、keep your mind open to opportunity. 开放你的思想,别让机会溜走。 4、Think of the world as yours. 认为这个世界是属于你的。 5、Keep envy in check. 遏制嫉妨心。 6、Think like a "connector".甘做“联结者”。 7、Find an upside to everything. 找出事情好的一面。


The lucky dogs are always can find an upside to everything.


