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You will not tolerate being bossed around[1] by your mate. You hate have your space[2] infringed upon and you can't stand it if your mate shows up late for a date. You like to be asked for advice and flattery always makes you feel important. You will never slow down and wait for your lover.



[1]bossed around:
boss是"老板,上司"的意思,不过短语boss around中的boss用作动词。既然是老板,自然会对你发号施令,那么be bossed around也就是被差来遣去的意思,这种滋味可不好受。而且真是老板也罢了,要是对情人也这样作威作福的可就……。碰到这样的人你就可以大胆地对他说:Don't try to boss me around! 别企图把我呼来喝去的!

西方国家很重视空间概念,当个人的空间(space)受到侵犯(be infringed upon),人们就会感到不自在。所以排队时不要紧贴着前面的人,也不要过多干涉别人的私事--哪怕是对最亲密的恋人也要保持一点距离的对不对?

白羊座白羊座 ARIES & ARIES: Temper tantrums are quite likely to erupt into major wars with this combination. Remember only one party can win and neither one will accept defeat. Passionate but a lot of problems.


白羊座金牛座 ARIES & TAURUS: The Bull has trouble with your free spirited attitude. With compromise it can work. A little bit dull for you at times however it can be a stabilizing experience for you.


ARIES & GEMINI: Wonderful alliance. This is an exciting encounter that can in fact last. Both you and Gemini are so spontaneous and full of life[3] that there is no time for either of you to become bored.


[3]full of life:
Life的原意是"生命,生活" ,引申开来可做"活力,生气"讲。所以full of life也就表示"生气勃勃,充满活力"。 一样死气沉沉的东西或是一个无精打采的人是很令人厌烦的,而生命力十足的事物总是很能吸引人,因此我们常常要赋予无生命的东西以活力,或是为不够生动的事物添加活跃的气氛,例如add/ give life to an article 增加文章的生气;Put more life into your work. 工作时要提起精神。

白羊座巨蟹座 ARIES & CANCER: The Crab is far too sensitive and slow for your speedy and hot tempered nature. You will have difficulty listening to the Crab's nagging and negativity. This is really a poor match up right from day one.


白羊座狮子座 AIRES & LEO: This is a most exhilarating combination. You both share the same likes and dislikes[4]. You are both always on the go[5], craving excitement, love and fun. This is truly a link made in heaven.


[4]likes and dislikes:
Like和dislike是一对反义词,它们一般都当动词用,like为"喜欢",dislike为"不喜欢",那它们后面都加上复数标志s又表示什么呢?这里它们用作名词,like表示"喜欢的事物",dislike当然就是"厌恶的事物"。其实英语中有很多类似的动词用作名词的用法,而且多是一对反义词,比如dos and don'ts,也就是要与不要,能做的事和不能做的事。
白羊座处女座 ARIES & VIRGO: Your impulsiveness is just too much for the Virgoan. Virgo's practical, critical nature will drive you away rapidly.


ARIES & LIBRA: Although opposites attract, the Scales are just a little too lazy to keep up with you. You on the other hand lack the sophistication required to keep a Libran happy.


[5]on the go:
短语on the go意思是"活跃忙碌,动个不停"。我们都知道,想让小孩子保持安定是不可能的,因为他们总是动个不停,You can't keep small children still; they are always on the go. 大概白羊座和双子座的人也是比较孩子气的两个星座吧。

在星相学中,每个星座都有各自的主宰行星,或是说守护星,它们本身的特性和司掌的方面也从一定程度象征着本星座的一些特征。比如这里就说到白羊座和天蝎座都受火星主宰,对火星 Mars的修饰语是catalyst,为什么要用这样一个词呢?因为火星代表着战神,象征热力和冲动。而catalyst的原意是"催化剂",引申为"刺激或促进的因素",所以用在这里也是非常形象的。

白羊座天蝎座 ARIES & SCORPIO: You are both ruled by the catalyst[6] Mars that makes this union hot and heavy. The possessive Scorpio will, however, does clash with your free spirited nature.


白羊座射手座 ARIES & SAGITTARIUS: This can be a good and a lasting relationship. You are both fun-loving and quite oblivious to the faults that might drive most people crazy. This is an exciting and adventurous union.


ARIES & CAPRICORN: Finances are the biggest detriment in this connection. You can spend it as fast as the hard working Goat can make it that drives the frugal Capricorn insane.


白羊座水瓶座 ARIES & AQUARIUS: This is not a bad connection. You are both inquisitive, however at times you may find it difficult to contemplate what the Water-bearer will do next.


白羊座双鱼座 ARIES & PISCES: Sexually this is not a bad alliance, but your temperaments are just so different that it does put a strain on the relationship. You could never handle the Fishes emotional whims for any length of time.



When looking for a prospective mate you will interact diversely with all the other constellations including your own sign.


LEO & ARIES: This is a capricious match. Your common interests and lusty passionate nature bring about[1] outrageous social and sexual encounters.


[1]bring about:
产生,引起。例如:Science has brought about many changes in our lives. 科学为我们的生活带来很大变化。
狮子座金牛座 LEO & TAURUS: This is an ill-fated connection, your extravagance and desire to party are antagonizing to the prudent Bull.

LEO & GEMINI: You are enticed by the clever Twins, nevertheless the Twins' fickleness enrages you. Intriguing[2] while this connection lasts, however it's usually short lived.



狮子座巨蟹座 LEO & CANCER: Your powerful desire to be the center of attention along with your vanity is pernicious for the shy, sensitive Crab. Not a choice alliance.


狮子座狮子座 LEO & LEO: This is a dramatic combination, a sexual delight, providing both desist from dominating one another. This is truly a royal match and believe it or not[3], it often works.


[3]believe it or not:这个短语的意思是"信不信由你",在口语中很常用,譬如:Believe it or not, marriage makes or mars a man. 信不信由你,婚姻往往决定着一个男人的成败。
狮子座处女座 LEO & VIRGO: Virgo's desire to be in command and methodical nature collides with your carefree, spontaneous temperament. This combo takes a lot of compromise on the part of the Virgoan.


LEO & LIBRA: Libra's sophistication and your flair constitute an entertaining coalition, unless a financial deficit prevails. You can both be quite extravagant and wasteful.



狮子座天蝎座 LEO & SCORPIO: You can dance rather well in a horizontal[4] position, the end result can be crimes of passion, due to jealousy. This union is usually hot, heavy and short lived.


狮子座射手座 LEO & SAGITTARIUS: This is probably your foremost partner physically and mentally. This union will revel in spending, travel and adventure. Quite an exciting connection.


LEO & CAPRICORN: You'll get bored with the Goat's careful and enterprising ways, which is too bad because the Goat is the one sign that can usually afford[5] to spoil you monetarily.


Afford常与can, able to连用,表示担负得起费用、钱财、损失等。比如《Titanic》里的穷小子杰克买不起一等舱的票,就可以说:Jack can't afford to pay first class.
狮子座水瓶座 LEO & AQUARIUS: The polarities usually attract passionately, nevertheless the Water bearer's expansive interests and higher mind leave you feeling somewhat neglected and unimportant.


狮子座双鱼座 LEO & PISCES: This is a detrimental relationship for the shy Pisces and a most unlikely attraction for you. Not compatible and very hurtful for the Fish that is attracted to you.




Your lover must approach you properly in order to win your heart. You love good cooking and fine wine. The way to your heart is definitely through your stomach[1]. You are turned off by individuals who exaggerate or color[2] the truth. You like to be admired and will respond if your lover is encouraging.



[1]The way to your heart is definitely through your stomach:

Color在此作动词,意为"渲染,歪曲"。真相和事实本不需粉饰,人为地添上颜色不就改变了它们的本来面目了吗?要是谁喜欢夸大事实、胡吹海侃,你就可以说:His tales are often highly colored.

TAURUS & ARIES: This union is better as a hot passionate affair. Your possessiveness will cramp the Aries free-loving nature.


金牛座金牛座 TAURUS & TAURUS: Not bad sexually, however this union is somewhat dull in other areas of life. You will have a tendency to grow fat together. Visualize two couch potatoes[3] eating in front of the television.


[3]couch potatoes:
可能是美国人爱吃土豆的缘故,他们在口语里也经常用到potato这个词。Couch potato就是那些总窝在沙发里看电视的人,整天也不动弹懒洋洋的样子还真像个大土豆呢!small potatoes是指那些微不足道的小人物,而a hot potato吃不得,拿着又烫手,当然就是比喻一个棘手的问题啦!
TAURUS & GEMINI: Gemini's lack of respect for possessions and stability will drive you up a wall. You aren't spontaneous enough for the versatile Twin. Not really a likely combination.


金牛座巨蟹座 TAURUS & CANCER: Good partnership. You will enhance one another. You offer the Crab the necessary security and in return you receive the affection and loyalty you desire.


金牛座狮子座 TAURUS & LEO: This is not only an unlikely connection but one that is built on deception[4]. If your financial position is good you will attract the Lion however, this partner will want he freedom to roam.


[4]built on deception:
建于欺骗的基础上。正如房子要修建地基,很多事物也要建立在一定的基础上。A castle built on air建立于无形的空气之上自然无法实现,也就是我们常说的空中楼阁了。
金牛座处女座 TAURUS & VIRGO: Problems usually arise in the bedroom, however in all other areas you and your Virgoan will do remarkably well. You are both practical and hard working.


TAURUS & LIBRA: Compromise is necessity if you want this union to work. Your Libran mate will be far too indecisive for you and you lack the sophistication that the Scales demand in a partner.


[5]taking things as they come:
发生什么事情都全部接受,顺其自然。比如:She lived lonely and would endure solitude and hardships in daily life. But she took things as they came. 她孤独生活,而且要忍受日常生活中的冷清和艰辛。但她随遇而安,达观安命。
金牛座天蝎座 TAURUS & SCORPIO: Polarity attraction, sexually dynamic, however you are both fixed signs that can cause difficulties. Your stubbornness and the Scorpions jealousy will result in a no win situation.


金牛座射手座 TAURUS & SAGITTARIUS: This combo is better left as friends. The archer likes to gamble, free-spirited and taking things as they come[5]. You on the other hand could never live without routine and would frown up the Sagittarians irresponsibility.


TAURUS & CAPRICORN: This is not a bad alliance as you both have the same interests where money, possessions and security are concerned. The biggest drawback is the old 'all work and no play' syndrome.


金牛座水瓶座 TAURUS & AQUARIUS: You are both fixed signs with a totally different concept of life. The Water Bearer is too much of a loner and you always want to own or possess your partner.


金牛座双鱼座 TAURUS & PISCES: This combination can work, however the Fish lack practicality which can be a deterrent for you. On the other hand your Pisces mate may leave if you become too domineering.




Zodiacal match-ups for you are not the easiest due to your critical analytical nature.



VIRGO & ARIES: The volatile[1] Aries will upset your nervous nature, the conclusion being ill fated and certainly not lasting. The Ram just won't put up with your put-downs.




处女座金牛座 VIRGO & TAURUS: You both share the same high standards and, needless to say, are not the most exciting couple on earth.


VIRGO & GEMINI: Not a chance. The risky, carefree fickle Gemini sees you as a drag. Truly a miracle if the two of you do interact for any length of time. This union is best left alone unless other factors prevail in both charts.


Tongue本指舌头,引申为"语言,话语"。所以Critical tongue就是"批评的话",native tongue是"母语",要是说某人tongue-tied,舌头被打上了结,不就是张口结舌,说不出话来了吗?


处女座巨蟹座 VIRGO & CANCER: Somewhat dull. You both tend to avoid getting involved in activities outside your own environment. Neither of you bothers to end the relationship even if it isn't working. This union is a critical and nagging match that results in lowered self-esteem for both of you.


处女座狮子座 VIRGO & LEO: You will have continuous arguments concerning finances and sex. Your critical tongue[2] will make the Lion wander, seeking the ego-boosting that is necessary for the proud Leo's existence.


处女座处女座 VIRGO & VIRGO: You are quite likely to agree on most subjects. Virgo's are work, security and cleanliness oriented. When two of you get together in this capacity, unusual sexual pleasures can unfold[3].


VIRGO & LIBRA: Libra's extravagant, indecisive nature bothers you, however Libra's charm can normally melt your critical tongue. Not likely to be lasting but it can be passionate while it lasts.


[4]up the wall:
Wall这个词也很有意思,up the wall意为"大怒,发狂",to the wall意为"处于绝境,束手无策"。Even the walls have ears. 连墙都有耳朵呢,当然是隔墙有耳了。

处女座天蝎座 VIRGO & SCORPIO: This is an interesting match. If the scorpion can tempt you into sexual encounters that are exotic, the end result will end in fireworks.


处女座射手座 VIRGO & SAGITTARIUS: This is sexually not bad. The Archer's non-committal approach to life however, drives you up the wall[4]. This combo works better as a passing affair.


VIRGO & CAPRICORN: This is an excellent union. Practicality and neatness go hand in hand[5] for the Goat as well as for you. Fear of material loss locks you in tight for a long-term union.


[5]go hand in hand:
好朋友总喜欢手拉手hand in hand,这就表示一种密不可分的关系。很多事物也都是像这样形影相随的,Dirt and disease go hand in hand. 肮脏和疾病是分不开的。
处女座水瓶座 VIRGO & AQUARIUS: This is a far more mental then physical connection. You rule the lower mind and the Water bearer the higher mind. This is an intellectual union that is likely to be lasting.


处女座双鱼座 VIRGO & PISCES: This is a polarity attraction. You are enamored by the Pisces empathetic ways and in turn the Fish needs your practical direction. Pisces' sexuality can bring out the erotic side in you.




You can play a heartless game using your keen intellect, charm and sex appeal to your advantage. You can easily persuade any sign to have a passionate affair with you, however a long-term relationship is another story. You aren't likely to stay in any union that restricts, confines or holds you back in any way.


双子座白羊座 GEMINI & ARIES: This is one of your best matches. You both have a high energy, a thirst[1] for adventure and spontaneity. Passionate, sudden and compelling this union can last.

渴望,热望。年轻人向往冒险就像口渴时对水的热望一样,Many young people have a thirst for adventure. 当然不同的人追求也不同,有人权欲强thirst for power, 有人求知欲旺盛thirst for knowledge.
双子座金牛座 GEMINI & TAURUS: This is not a good connection for the Bull. Your lack of routine upsets this steady sign. You find Taureans far too dull for your liking and will tend to wander early into the relationship.

GEMINI & GEMINI: You can have some real good times but you seldom stay together unless you meet in later years. There is a lack of direction that usually prevails, however you can have some wonderful times together.


双子座巨蟹座 GEMINI & CANCER: The Moon child is far too moody and sensitive for your fickle ways. You are not a homebody like the Crab. You have totally different interests.


双子座狮子座 GEMINI & LEO: This is not a bad connection. You both complement one another. The generous Lion will bend to whatever you want as long as you let your flattering silver tongue[2] lead the way.


[2]silver tongue:
Silver tongue舌头能像银子般光亮清越,自然是比喻人口才流利、舌灿如花了。
双子座处女座 GEMINI & VIRGO: This is not the best union, the practical Virgo views you as being disorganized and frivolous. You on the other hand don't think that the Virgoan knows how to have a good time.


GEMINI & LIBRA: Magnetic[3] union, however not long lasting. The Scales find it difficult to live in the turmoil and melodrama that you thrive on. This relationship is usually short, hot and sweet.


磁石具有吸引力,所以magnetic意思就是"有磁性的,有吸引力的",a magnetic person也就是个有吸引力的人。

[4]white lies:
善意的小谎言。有时为了避免伤害别人或不使人难堪还是有必要说些这种white lies的。

双子座天蝎座 GEMINI & SCORPIO: Scorpio's jealous tendencies are impossible for you to handle. You flirtatious ways and little white lies[4] will drive the Scorpion as far away as possible.


双子座射手座 GEMINI & SAGITTARIUS: This union can work, however you both love to travel therefore you may not spend much time together. You both tend to leave your fate to luck, which can make this a risky relationship.


GEMINI & CAPRICORN: Not great. The goat is too ambitious and organized for you. You have totally different priorities[5] in love and in life.


重点,优先考虑的事情。不管做什么事我们都应该学会辨别轻重You must learn to get your priorities right,这样才能事半功倍。

双子座水瓶座 GEMINI & AQUARIUS: Super alliance, you are both original and like variety. This makes for a fun loving couple. This is not always a lasting union but it is certainly worth pursuing.


双子座双鱼座 GEMINI & PISCES: Insecurity usually ruins this relationship. This can be an extremely emotional union. Unique, destructive, yet passionate and lustful resulting in hurt and anxiety.





When it comes to compatible signs for you harmony is the most important factor to keep in mind. Without harmony you can't possibly survive.


LIBRA & ARIES: Shooting stars in the bedroom. Tension, however, at a mental level. It can work if you are both willing to compromise[1].


妥协,让步。Compromise with sb. on /over sth.就是"在某事上和某人妥协"。其实有时向爱人作出一定的让步也并不是什么没面子的事儿,毕竟这样能体现出你对他的重视对不对?
天秤座金牛座 LIBRA & TAURUS: Not too bad as you both value the finer things in life. The Bull's possessiveness can bring about some problems for you however if the price is right you'll put up with a little control.

LIBRA & GEMINI: Intellectual connection. This relationship is much better left as a friendship. You both need a great deal of freedom to experience other people. If you both agree on ground rules[2] right from day one it can last.


[2]ground rules:
基本规则。因为ground有"地基,底层"的含意,所以ground rules也就是那些作为处理其它事情的基本规则。人与人之间差异巨大,只要能在一些基本问题上达成共识也就可以了。

天秤座巨蟹座 LIBRA & CANCER: This is not the best match. The moody Crab is just too difficult for you to handle. You need to surround yourself with positive individuals who will create a harmonious environment.


天秤座狮子座 LIBRA & LEO: This is a good union, similar lifestyles, both hooked on[3] sex. The Lion's dazzle, and your refined nature balances out quite nicely. Together you make an extremely nice looking couple.


[3]hooked on:着迷的。对某事着迷上瘾(hooked on sth.)的人就像鱼儿见了饵一样,最后的下场自然是被钩住了。To hook a rich husband钓金龟婿,感觉是不是很形象啊?
天秤座处女座 LIBRA & VIRGO: No Way! The practical Virgoan will never satisfy your desires. You're better not to pursue this partner for any kind of a long-term commitment.


LIBRA & LIBRA: This is not a bad connection, but boredom can be a definite risk, as you will both expect to be entertained. Your lazy nature when it comes to domestic chores[4] will also be a problem if you can't afford to hire help.


[4]domestic chores:
家务活儿,家庭琐事。Domestic意为"家里的,国内的",domestic animal指家畜,domestic trade则是"国内贸易"的意思。
天秤座天蝎座 LIBRA & SCORPIO: The Scorpions' jealousy vexes the casual, harmonious nature that you possess. This is certainly not an alliance made in heaven and usually quite difficult for you to balance.


天秤座射手座 LIBRA & SAGITTARIUS: This is an auspicious relationship. The Archer's charisma and thirst for adventure will hold your interest. Your good looks and cultural knowledge will entice the Archer.


LIBRA & CAPRICORN: It's difficult for the Goat to accept your inactivity. Physically there is a powerful attraction between you, unfortunately it is seldom lasting.


毁坏性的,破坏的。A devastating storm 破坏性的暴风雨。它的原形是devastate使荒芜,蹂躏。比如说某个城市在战火中成为废墟就应该是The whole city was devastated in the war flames.

天秤座水瓶座 LIBRA & AQUARIUS: This is a compatible coalition, you are capable of making love in the highest form. Your two of a kind, neither of you care about detail nor domestics.


天秤座双鱼座 LIBRA & PISCES: This is not usually lasting. The Fish is too confused and sensitive in nature that makes this connection a highly complicated combination. The end result can be devastating[5] if you aren't careful.



If the cap fits, wear it. 帽子若适合你,就戴上吧。

