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1. 有时候说一个人长得太丑…………,会说……: his face looks like the back of the bus............ 寒…… 2. 当一个人说些无聊的话题……,他们有时候会说到…… sorry,you are barking up to the wrong tree......... 3. 说和父母无法沟通,我们叫“代沟”,他们说: mum,u r over-hill now. 很好的比喻 说白了就是: 你在山那边,我在山这边,我们无法沟通。那是个合成词 4. pain on the neck. 脖子疼……?什么意思? 不是脖子疼,是“脖子上的疼痛”是形容这人很讨厌,又让人不至于生气 5. egg on one's face 是说一个人吹完牛却没做到。 比如: 某人说能跑第一,却跑了倒第一。就说:look,there's an egg on his face!(嘲笑) 6. drop the towel 就是: 不干了 7. knock the nail in one's hand 一语击中要害 “you look tired,have u been working all day?" "yes, u knock the nail in my hand" 8. take one's cat out of box. keep one's cat in the box 第二个是替别人保守秘密,另一个自己想 9. r u looking at my bird? 这个。。。有rpwt表乱猜阿~~~是指别人看你女朋友的时候~~

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