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Diana, Dodi statue for Harrods 戴妃与男友再现亲密铜像 伦敦百货公司即将展出 A statue of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed, who died together in a Paris car crash in 1997, will soon be displayed at Harrods department store in central London, owner Mohamed al Fayed says. 1997年,英国王妃戴安娜及其男友多迪·法耶兹不幸在巴黎车祸中丧生。最近,多迪的父亲穆罕默德·法耶兹表示,他为戴安娜和多迪精心打造的一座雕像不久将在伦敦市中心的哈罗斯百货公司展出。 The work commissioned by al Fayed shows the couple, who were on vacation together when they died, holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes beneath a soaring albatross -- a symbol of eternity and good fortune. 这对雕像是老法耶兹委托别人打造的,雕像中的戴安娜和多迪手牵着手,在一只象征着永恒和好运的展翅高飞的信天翁下彼此凝望着对方。这对爱侣是在度假途中不幸遇难的。 Diana is wearing a dress with a plunging neckline, while Dodi's shirt is unbuttoned to reveal a bare chest. 戴安娜身穿一条V型低领长裙,而多迪则敞开衣襟,裸露着胸膛。 The couple and their driver Henri Paul died Aug. 31, 1997 when their Mercedes crashed into a pillar in a Paris underpass . The only survivor, Diana's bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones, was badly hurt. 1997年8月31日,这对情侣乘坐的梅赛德斯-奔驰轿车在巴黎一处地下道中撞上了一根柱子,不幸遇难身亡,他们的司机亨利·保罗也未能幸免。唯一的幸存者是戴安娜的保镖雷弗·里斯·琼斯,他身受重伤。 The new work's title, "Innocent Victims," reflects al Fayed's belief that his son and the princess were murdered, despite a French inquiry that blamed Paul. 这件新作被命名为“无辜的牺牲者”。从这个名字不难看出,老法耶兹依然坚信儿子与戴安娜是被谋杀的,尽管法国方面的调查认为司机保罗负有一定的责任。 "It is a tribute to what might have been if the couple's car had not crashed on Aug. 31, 1997," said Bill Mitchell, a Fayed family friend who crafted the work at a foundry in east London. Press photographers were allowed to see it for the first time Wednesday. “如果1997年8月31日他们没有发生车祸的话,这件作品将是献给两人未来美好生活的礼物。”比尔·米切尔说。比尔是法耶兹家的朋友,他在伦敦东部的一个铸造厂里打造了这件作品。本周三,这件作品第一次向新闻摄影记者开放。 "The affection in which Diana is still held is remarkable, but I knew Dodi and far from being the playboy he was portrayed as, in reality he was a charming, hardworking film producer who had made his own way in life," he said. “人们至今仍然对黛安娜充满了爱戴和怀念,这份感情是无与伦比的。但是我很了解多迪,他远不像人们所形容的那样是个花花公子。其实,他不仅是一个非常迷人的小伙子,而且还是一位工作勤奋的电影制片人,已经小有成就。”他说。 Al Fayed said the bronze statue would allow people to honor the couple's memory with "warmth and love." 老法耶兹说,人们会通过这座青铜雕像向这对恋人充满温情和爱意的美好回忆表达无限仰慕之情。 (中国日报网站 薛晓文译) Vocabulary: gaze: look at with fixed eyes(盯,凝视) albatross: large web-footed birds of the southern hemisphere having long narrow wings(信天翁) unbuttoned: not buttoned; unfastened(解开钮扣的,无拘束的) underpass: an underground tunnel or passage enabling pedestrians to cross a road or railway(地下道) foundry : factory where metal castings are produced(铸造厂)

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-4 1259编辑过]

